Saturday, February 7, 2009

I'm Back!

My laptop passed away last Monday, services pending. This did not prevent me from throwing it in my rolling briefcase anyway and lug it to Ft. Lauderdale before I remembered that the blasted thing is nothing more than a boat anchor.

Consequently, no posts for the past week. It's not like there was nothing going on, just no way to post the events.

Here is what occurred:
1. Went to Ft. Lauderdale on Tuesday, only to have my flight back delayed, which put me home around 11:30PM, for a 6:15AM flight the next morning to the city of Angels. I was very tired and cranky by Wednesday night.
2. Went to ABC corporate for a marketing meeting on Thursday. Did not see a single star. I was all set to be very cool, but to no avail. Marketing people at ABC are VERY young, nice to old folks, but young.
3. Had a presentation to the ABC people in charge of Merchandising on Friday, younger crowd than the Marketing group. They were very accommodating to the old folks as well, it must be training thing at ABC. By the way, nailed the presentation. I must say, the old guy still has it.
4. Flew home late Friday night, stayed at my youngest's house with my bride and flew out very early this morning for Amarillo to watch a budding star of a soccer player. Indoor soccer, what a concept, no sun, no wind, no cold or dark of night. The league does not keep score, but this does not prevent grandaddies from doing so (Eli -4, everyone else - who cares)

Had a ticket agent tell me he was going to break the rules and give me an upgrade because I was not "pushy." I was trying to go standby on an earlier flight, plus upgrade on a Friday out of LAX, sort of attempting a trifecta of flight travel. I didn't have the energy to tell him I was too tired to argue or insist. But it was nice, just the same. I would send a letter to American Airlines complimenting this ticket agent but it seemed problematic to start a letter, " I wanted to say "thanks" to your agent for breaking the rules."

Anyway, back on line and still on the journey.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a happy ending.