Friday, February 27, 2009

Stars on Thars

Anyone else out there getting tired head over all this government spending, stimulus rhetoric, big gov, little gov, bailouts, talking heads, graphs, charts, final days, bashing the old regimes, fearing the new ones. And now I have to do my taxes, blast!
My daughter-in-law will tell you that I am mathematically challenged. We have an on-going, gentle, running joke over the contrasts between people who love words (word eaters) and people who love numbers (number-crunchers) In today's world, however, I am afraid that the word eaters are being overtaken by the number crunchers. This may be the new bigotry. I can hear it now, "Oh, you are one of those."

My bride gave me a book a couple of years ago when I was finishing my masters degree. In the midst of expensive books that I will read one time for class, on material taught by PhDs, researching papers through the Internet, dusty tomes in the basement of the library, perusing articles written and read by nerds, she gave me book by Dr. Seuss. A KID'S BOOK! The problem is, it is now one of my favorites. 200 contact hours in the classroom on Conflict Management, state certification in "family law mediation", 50-60 mediation's, papers written and read, protocol written and implemented, thousands of dollars spent, time invested, and the entire experience can be captured with end of a children's story:

The day they decided that Sneetches are Sneetches
And no kind of Sneetch is the best on the beaches.
That day, all the Sneetches forgot about stars
And whether they had one, or not, upon thars.

Word-eaters or number-crunchers, conservative or liberal, black or white, rich or poor, thin or thick, intro or extro, tall or short, left-handed or right, we are all the same. It is time to identify the Mr. McBeans of the world, so we can get on with the important stuff.

I wish my bride had given me the book sooner. Sigh.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So did all of your books you read for Conflict Management rhyme as well...LOL. Great job on the blog each week. BTW I hit it a couple of extra times today to run your counter up.
Alan G