Friday, September 4, 2009

Where Has the Time Gone?

A year ago, my bride set up this blog for me as a gift, as a thoughtful way of saying, "I love you and your thoughts and ideas are important" Anyway, that is way I choose to interpret the gesture.
But like all journeys, some of it has been good for me, perhaps good for you, at times not particularly good for anyone, but I thought it needed to be said. From the beginning I wrote because it is my way of putting the world in perspective. Since I travel a lot, and spend a lot of nights on the road by myself, I write. A lot of it doesn't get to the blog, my journal catches some, I save some to my laptop, I write some and erase it (usually after reading it and realizing it is just bad writing and doesn't need to inflicted on anybody) Just as a side note, the only thing I really hate about traveling is eating alone. My bride keeps telling me to order room service, but I find that just a tad more pathetic than eating alone in a restaurant. So to our close friends in Texas, that is why I love eating with you folks, it helps me feel like community. If I never eat alone again, I would be fine.

But I seem to have wandered off track. I wrote the first blog last year about this time. In that time my blogs have covered the journey of humor, sadness, venting, frustration, criticism (just and unjust)..all the range of action and reaction that I encountered.

So the blog today is just a "thank you" to my bride for setting this up. To my kids for keeping me in line with their comments (usually off line) to my friends who read because they are my friends, to those of you out there whom I have not met, but follow anyway. I find it humbling that you follow, that you occasionally respond.
Thanks and thanks again.

So, I pick up the pack again, another leg of the journey awaits.



Carrie said...

I have enjoyed your blogs, even the ones where I am stumped on what to comment back.
And I am with mom on the eating out alone thing...I would much rather eat in my hotel room with the tv as company!

You can call me anytime to be your meal buddy!

Anonymous said...

congrats on your one year blog anniversary!

count me as one you don't know but is about your age, with children and grandchildren about the same ages as yours and who agrees with you on almost all you write. Ha--guess you might consider me the perfect blog reader!


Gay said...

I read every entry. You make me laugh, cry and think about things that would have never entered my head. You put many things into perspective for me. And above all, it makes me miss times with you and Bev! We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Since I had the pleasure of first meeting you, I have valued your opinion's and have enjoyed reading your blog. I think you have a great bride.

Bella C.