Thursday, March 19, 2009

A Little Warning, Please

This past weekend in my visit with the twenty-somethings, we talked about how God responds/interacts/ignores His creation. This is the same group that a few weeks ago had trouble articulating their ability to "find their spot." There was a lot of ground covered, abuses confessed, uncertainties revealed, and mistakes shared. But the one comment that intrigued me was the comment, " a little warning would have been nice!"
Here is a young person who has made some of the same mistakes we all make, I'm sure against the advice of parents and friends. Yet, the result was a slight shift of responsibility to God for not explaining fully the ramifications of decisions made. Not a full shift, mind you, but a slight shift.
as my mind was trying to fully understand the depth of emotional meaning in this statement, it occurred to me that the sentiment is being felt by all of us.
Banks being bailed out, insurance companies, mortgage holders, blah, blah, blah. And there is no mea culpa by any of them or us. Decades of excess, consumerism, and ego-centric actions and we sit and wonder why the sky is falling.
And we forget that a small town rabbi said that the love of money is the genesis of all evil. A sort of "I told you so" from 2000 years ago.
I had a very interesting visit with my boss yesterday, following a strategy meeting on changing the culture of the company and everyone was trying to develop a "process." I told him that our orthodoxy changes our orthopraxy (thought changes actions) not the other way around. To change the culture of his business he will have to change the way people THINK, which will change the way they ACT. The first step in the process is to acknowledge the thought patterns we have developed.
We have been warned, time and again. We have chosen to ignore it, because the message did not sync exactly with what we want to do.
God does not always work with a loud warning signal or the mechanized warning, "WARNING, DANGER AHEAD" Sometimes he whispers through the words of the old book, watch out - you are putting yourself in danger...oh so softly.
Journey's are fraught with danger.

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