Friday, November 7, 2008

Oh, Canadaaa

We had an election on Tuesday in the USA, so I left early Wednesday morning for Canada, eh?. I had hoped to run into some of my buddies from the early 70's, eh?, who did the same, but for different reasons, eh?. Didn't see a single one, though, eh?.
Two things struck me about BC (that British Columbia for you lower 48ers, eh?)
1. The mountains are stunning, eh? We slogged through snow, fog, sheer drop-offs, all in a little Toyota Yaris (Japan's final revenge, eh?) I tried to take pictures, but they just turned out grey, fog and all, eh?
2. Canadians could care less who we elected, eh?. In fact, other than hockey, I couldn't figure out what they are passionate about, eh?. These are really laid-back folks, eh? I come across as a type A, but you have to slowww downnn, eh?

Oh, and they talk funny, eh?

Godspeed, although the word speed is little used up here, don't you know (oh, wait, that's Minnesota, eh?)

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