There are a couple of things I would like to comment on, but don't want to try and develop an entire blog for any one of them.
Libya protests. Here is my thought. We need to stay out of their business. It is not our fight, it is not our business. If they nuke each other out of existence, then so be it. US of A only uses about 1.5% of their oil (most goes to Italy) and they have very little else to market besides sand and we have enough of that. We can't afford another war. In my advancing years I have decided that we have enough problems sorting out this democracy thing at home, I'm not sure how well it exports to a tribal culture. It is my firm belief that the young people of that country will rise up in revolution against a dictator and a repressive religion. 'Nuff said.
Charlie Sheen. It is always fascinating to see a slow motion train wreck. This guy's wheels have shot off and he is hurtling forward, out of control, over the cliff. The problem is that in the backseat are the folks he works with and for, his kids, and anyone left calling them his friends. This is going to be a colossal explosion at the end. He needs to tweet Tiger and see how he likes the fall-out.
NFL CBA OMG. Really? You guys can't figure out how to divvy up $9BB? This is like my having an interest in the Highland Park residents up in arms about a Wal-Mart moving in. Rich people arguing over money the rest of us will never see. I sure hope the rookies saved all their income from college days, it could be a long non-season. I think the media ought to tell the NFL, "call us when you have a deal." Being out of the spotlight might hurt more than the eventual deal struck. Of course there are men all over the US wondering what they will do instead of ignoring their wives and kids on Sunday, now THERE is a rooting interest.
Finally, No call back. I have had it with people who don't return phone calls, or keep appointments, or let you know what the decisions will be. We are all big boys and girls. It is enormously rude to not call back. It is getting more prevalent every day.
Wow, do I feel better. If you have a problem with my blog..leave a message.
Godspeed out there. For what it's worth.
1 comment:
My friend, I whole-heartedly agree with your post! I do so enjoy reading your thoughts. They tend to line up with my own. I often feel the US puts their nose where it doesn't need to be. We have enough trouble of our own. We don't need to go looking for more. As for Charlie Sheen, I have largely stayed away from that mess. I prefer not to give my attention to such idiocity (is that a word?). My kids are young enough to need sheltering from things like this, so I gladly change the channel! People who don't return phone calls or cancel appointments make me a bit nuts also. Of course, a doctor having to cancel an appointment because they were needed at the hospital is understandable. But cancelling a meeting to discuss a permanent job position because you have a lunch with your best friend, that is rude and unnerving!! My husband has seen this. Thankfully, my family is my employer, and they are a pretty good group to work for! Manners and appropriateness are becoming extinct. I refuse to let them go by the wayside in my family. I hope have a great week. I always look forward to reading your thoughts.
Emily Bowmer
PS- My daughter has Jordan for a teacher this year, and she loves her so much!! I was so glad she came back to KU this year. My son had her also. She is a blessing to us!!
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