Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Here's To Long Life

Today at my usual station at Panera, I read an article about 5 "myths" about living longer. What really caught my eye was the two, half-full wine glasses and the guy working out next to them. I'm not sure why this caught my attention, but they did. So I read the article.

If I can remember them all, here are the five myths (not necessarily in the order of the article, but in how I remembered them)

Myth 1: You have to exercise at a certain level to make it worthwhile. Apparently the article says that if we are trying to exercise by doing something we hate, we will stop, thus not exercising at all. So go ahead and garden, or take a walk, or walk the dog. Just get off the couch as often as you can. My opinion is that we have grocery stores that negate the need for gardens, I hate walking with no destination, and the stupid dog can walk herself - she has legs, though they are getting shorter. My bride and I are beginning to enjoy our time at the gym, thank you very much.

Myth 2: Don't work so hard, slow down, enjoy. This is a myth. According to the 90 year study, the high achievers live longer. I have always worked hard..it's that high achieving thing that trips me up.

Myth 3: Being married helps you live longer. The list from shortest to longest for men is: "remarried" guys have the shortest life span. I would attribute this to having to retrain the second/third/fourth one, it is just a lot of effort. Single guys are next, a lot of these guys probably get shot before they die of natural causes. Finally (my group) one wife, one life. We outlive them all, so there.

Myth 4: Eating low fat, blah blah blah..don't really remember what this section said. My personal opinion is that if you work out you get a pass on the food part. Also, I would rather live a shorter period of time and eat good stuff than outlive all my contemporaries and eat like a monk. Give me nice steak, a really good pinot noir, and generous slice of egg custard pie. At that point I would die satisfied and good-natured, not live a long time as a bitter, crusty old vegan.

Myth 5: If you have a "look on the bright side" attitude you will live longer. Basically this "attitude" had no impact on longevity. Better to be focused and engaged in whatever you are doing. I find bright, chipper people annoying.

So here is my cocktail for a long life, or at least an enjoyable life.
Have some really good friends that you love being around and they love being around you. Work out as much as you can every week on a schedule that makes sense to you. Eat as healthy as you can, but enjoy the good cooking and the good times that meals bring. Enjoy your mate in every way, emotionally, spiritually, sexually, mentally, as much as you can, as long as you can. Build a spiritual life around the disciplines of the Spirit and spirit. Let yesterdays be yesterdays and todays be todays, tomorrows don't count. Dream, aspire, learn, keep climbing the hill, stay on the journey, until the very last moment, I hope in the last moment I can say with a certain joy in my soul, "I didn't know that.." Always, always, always laugh.

Godspeed, the journey is short or long, but is best traveled with the knowledge that the journey we are on is uniquely ours, mine, yours.

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