Friday, November 26, 2010


This was a year of changing plans and venues. What was originally set to be an event at our house was changed to Amarillo at my eldest daughter's house. After I had reconciled myself to not having all at our house this year, I got my head right to make the trip.

Now my eldest daughter and her family live a truly great house. Lots of room, spaces to escape to (if need be) lots of room outdoors if you can handle the wind and the cold, just a comfortable place to settle.

So Tuesday, my bride and I and our youngest with her boy Lincoln set out from Dallas to Amarillo. It was beautiful day to drive and visit. We put on The Incredibles for Lincoln to watch and we listened, and we visited. With a minimum of stops, we were in Amarillo a quick 7 hours later. Shane, the s-i-l flew in early Thursday AM, and we had the full compliment of kids/grandkids to make the holiday complete.
Wednesday was food shopping, food prep, and food planning day. I washed every dish in the kitchen three times, with a few of them (cutting boards in particular) more times than I can count.

My bride's extended family came mid-afternoon, which raised the number from 12 to 23 (I think) Apparently we made more food than we needed, we could have fed 50 or more. AS the afternoon wore on it made me thankful for a few things in particular.

First of all, I love it that my kids and their spouses get along so well. They love to joke and visit, poke fun at me and each other. I understand that this may be due to the fact that there hasn't been enough time to build grievances or grudges. It may be that we can all hold it together for a couple of days that might be greater challenge if it were longer. But whatever the reason, they joke and laugh, counsel and encourage, but mostly they raise my spirits and make we wonder how this blessing has been visited on me. It is a joy that I do not take lightly.

Secondly, it is grandparent nirvana. There are only a couple of times a year that we get all four grandkids together. Each one is so special in their own way. Eli is growing up so fast, he has become all legs and arms and missing teeth. He is slipping into the role of oldest cousin very easily. I hope he never loses that desire to play with each of the younger cousins at their level. Miss Phoebe is all charm. She dances and sings, and shines that gamin grin on me and melts my heart. She is a 1000 watt bulb in my world. Mr. Lincoln is the most sociable little guy I have ever met. He loves to play and eat and visit. This holiday he is taking his first steps and holding the spoon. Soon he will be too quick to keep up with. Isaac is just emerging. Almost 6 months and he is looking around, laughing at whatever tickles his fancy, and apparently thriving on his all "momma-milk" diet. He has a very consternated look, but it might be the noise and the flying feet, elbows, toys, couch cushions that had landed near or on him. He is one cuddly baby.
In all of this I have apparently forgotten how to say "no" It is much easier to get a parent and let them be the heavy, I prefer to play the good cop. Although, now that I think about it, I really don't enforce any rules, so I'm not really a cop, more of the friendly crossing guard.

Finally, I am most grateful for the partner in life that has helped and guided and supported me through all the struggles of adulthood. My bride is healthy and kind and persevering, she does not complain, she is not a whiner. She keeps me focused and balanced. I can't believe we have spent 35+ years doing this. It has flown by in the best of ways.

So a good Thanksgiving all around. Later I will post on getting "set up" on Facebook. My girls had great fun at my expense, so it will be a post worth reading.

Godspeed as we stop and ponder for a moment the truly remarkable blessing visited on us all.

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