There are several small events that I wanted to include in the blog, but each not big enough to fill a space on their own..
So here goes.
The Chilean miners are being rescued in the next day or so using a sort of tube to pull them out one at a time. The tube reminds me of the tubes that the drive-in bank uses to shoot through the tube. I'm sure the miners will have a slightly slower ride back to the surface. To tell you the truth I had not really considered the realities of this rescue until I saw a guy wedged into the thing as they were testing it. There is good reason that they are putting those guys on a liquid diet before they haul them to the surface...easier to clean to tube. 'Nuff said. A couple things I wonder about, though. Do they get overtime for the 2 months they were on the job? I'm guessing not, I can hear the HR person calmly explaining that they really weren't "mining" during all that time, it was really more like vacation..with 32 sweaty men in the dark, 90 degrees. Yeah, that's my idea of a vacation.
November 2 we get to do a mulligan on senators, reps, and governors. There is something uniquely American that we just don't like a single party holding all the chips. We tend to vote the number out that kind of levels the playing field. My own cynicism sneaks in and tells me that one side is not particularly better than the other, but it is fun to watch all the shenanigans. So if you are liberal and are shaking in your boots about the loss of influence..don't worry, you get a mulligan in two years. If you are a conservative, hope you like the reprieve, American voters are a fickle lot. Either way we have find a way to make it work.
ACU Homecoming. My favorite event is the golf tournament that my good friend Don Fry always gets me into. I think he is still waiting for me to bring my "A" game, which probably got mothballed years ago. But we play with his son and s-i-l, and have a good time. I remember years ago that I was the one who was keeping it light and funny, but now Don (who we call Fry) is the enthusiast, the greeter, the room-worker. For some reason the years have turned me into an old grumbly man. Maybe I'll get my good cheer back in my second childhood. Should be soon now. But I do love playing with those guys. The only other event I go to is the parade, which is really just an excuse to spend time with my grandkids, watching as they pick up the candy that the parade participants "spilled" (a term my granddaughter used, as good as any)
My 7-year-old grandson had an honest to goodness par on a par 3. We played a small course in Abilene where he hit a 3-wood to 10 ft of the green, chipped on with a SW, then a 5' putt for an honest, no help from grandaddy, par. I kept the card, it is my reward for getting to spend these precious moments with my grandson. It is my dream to live long enough and play well enough for him to have to walk slow and make allowances for grandaddy while we play. Probably not that far in the future actually.
So just scattershooting, life moves ahead, the world spins on and on.
Godspeed out there, notice the little things, they add up to the big things.
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