Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day

There are all sorts of things I could say..all true. How great my bride is, how compassionate, how the years have been more than I could hope for, on and on and on.

Here is the very simple truth.
I love her more today than ever before. There is no consideration of a life without her.

Godspeed to all who had the great good fortune to find a life traveling companion.

Beverly, I love you so. Always have, always will.

1 comment:

Emily Bowmer said...

Good morning Don. It's been a while since I have posted, but I couldn't move on today. I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy hearing your words about your wife. It makes my heart so happy to hear men speaking highly of their wives. In an age where it seems so fashionable to degrade your spouse, it's refereshing to hear positive, uplifting words. My parents had a marriage like that. Up to the day my dad died, my mom showed her love in a tangible way. I truly hope my husband and children see the same in me. God bless you and your sweet bride. I pray you have many more years together!