There is something endearing and slightly alarming about people who do not filter what they say with societal conventions. About my only TV show that I can stand right now is Big Bang Theory, in which there is a character named Sheldon, who simply speaks the truth as he sees it. There is a constant tension where he is trying to figure out the concept of sarcasm. His buddies all understand his lack of discernment, exploit it occasionally, and are surprised each week that he still doesn't "get it". It makes me laugh when people say WHAT WE ARE ALL THINKING.
We all have people in our lives who bring this unfiltered influence into our lives. Actually I have several. There is something at once endearing about them, and sometimes more than slightly alarming about them. I'm sure there are degrees of this societal phenomenon. One of my favorite people is a guy who used to be in youth ministry, who had a little of this trait. I used to kid him that he always chose to carpet bomb a situation when a single sniper might do the trick. He is no longer in church work. Strangely enough churches can't handle the truth. The other guy that comes to mind was the worship leader at our current church campsite. This guy just makes me smile because you never know what he is going to say. I am one of the fringe guys on the praise team, you know the last kid chosen for the touch football team. I'm that guy on the praise team. I am what you might call a "tweener" not a true bass, not a true tenor, but able to pass on either one. On a side note, I can't read music on either, so it kind of evens up. Anyway, one day we were short on basses, so I asked if he wanted me to sing bass..His response, "you will always sing tenor!" No conversation, no doubt, no sugar-coating, no societal filtering. He was not being rude, or ugly, he just felt no compunction to be PC. I have laughed and laughed about that. By the way, he moved out of town and now I sing bass every once in a while. Showed him.
So we have these people and we love them, we cherish them, and we fear what they are going to say. I envy them. However, I have decided that I am not one of them. I can be frank, but I always try to soften the blow. There is great satisfaction for me when I can communicate softly enough that people respond, but can't really put their finger on why they did. I find that intriguing. Perhaps this other Sheldon communication model has to be developed early. That way everyone knows what to expect.
Here's what I think needs to happen. We need one day a year where over our head appears the "thought cloud." You know, like in cartoons, where the character is saying one thing, but the thought cloud reveals exactly what he is thinking. Of course we would have to put in those symbols for words we never say out loud, but other than that we get a free day. You are in my spot. What the h___ is wrong with you? That is one ugly dog/baby/car/outfit. You're an idiot (this one might be so over used we would have to just assume it). I stopped listening to you 15 minutes ago, can I leave now? Do you have a point? Who cares.....
Godspeed out there. Love those who speak the may not be PC, but in the long run it is what we need.
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