Monday, January 4, 2010

Let's Get Ready to RUMBLE!

I love time off. The holidays we just finished are the just about the best. My body gets beaten down after a lot of weeks of travel. I know you think it is glamorous to fly all around the country, but I'm getting to the age where hauling sample bags, shuttling from one place to the next, in and out of meetings, all takes a toll. So every 3 months or so it is nice to settle in for a week or so of rest.

But there is a significant part of my nature that is always looking to the next thing, the next trip, the new idea, the customer who needs persuading. It is simply my way that I'm ready to move on. So here I am on the first workday of the year anxious to get started. Ready to pack the briefcase, ready to do battle. This morning I got up at 5AM, got dressed and was just ready to hit the road to the office and get the year going.

There are still problems left over from last year at work. We made a ton of mistakes. Somehow, though, this time off has given me fresh perspective, renewed energy, unbounded enthusiasm. I guess we get a little of that from our school days; new lunchbox, new shoes, starched jeans, hair barely slicked into place, ready to move on to the next grade. That little wriggle of excitement in the pit of the stomach feels exactly as it did 40+ years ago, well it just never goes away.

So for those of you dreading this day, hang in there and stay away from my office. The exuberance could maim you.

Godspeed, a new year of journey has begun!


1 comment:

Jordan said...

See? I told you I read it.

And I have this to say about getting ready to rumble: after spending two days de-Christmasing, organizing, throwing away, dusting, sweeping, mopping, and baking pies, I am now ready for a vacation...again!

See you soon!