Thursday, January 8, 2009

Time and Again

Have you ever felt like your life was a more serious version of that movie "Groundhog Day" where Murray lives the same day over and over again? Regardless of which decisions you make, it just occurs over and over, and you feel powerless to change it?

The beginning of this year has that feel. I'm sitting in Panera Bread in the city of Angels, again. Ate a sesame seed bagel with a mug of coffee, again. Read the USA today (Sports, Business, Front page, Leisure, in that order) again. Getting ready to go to the office and hash out the same frustrations between sales and production, again. Sigh.

So I'm going to change things up. Yesterday I handed out one of the cards my bride made for me to someone I hardly know. The title slot says "mediator and cultural ethicist." We had a good laugh over the "cultural ethicist" designation. She asked me what it meant, and I asked her what she thought it meant, she seemed a little startled. She said I must be a "slash" guy; VP Sales/mediator/cultural ethicist. Sounds good to me.
I like these conversations because no one knows where they will go. My bride and I made up the designation as a gentle joke at my willingness to comment on the world around us with a moral take. Not everyone is as appreciative of my insight as you would think. Particularly those who seem to be bullying the people I admire. I keep thinking I will just mind my own business, but it just gets under my skin when bully's go unchallenged. Now, mind you, I've gotten my nose bloodied a few times, but it sure drives away the blahs.

So changes will need to be made. Shaking things up a bit might be fun.
I think tomorrow I will have an "everything" bagel, and read the USA Today in the opposite order.
So lets all change something and see what happens.
Godspeed on the new year.

1 comment:

Than said...

That's the great thing about still being in college -- even though I have class at the same time every day, every day is thoroughly original. Well, I suppose I could get stuck in a routine, and upon reflection, that's exactly what I did for the first three years of school. No more. Being a part of the campus ministry here affords ample opportunities to live spontaneously.