Sunday, November 24, 2019

National Adoption Day

Yesterday we welcomed a new granddaughter into our family. She did not come to us in the usual way. She has been around for 16 months. We have watched her grow from a tiny 29-week premie in NICU to a typical toddler. She laughs at her older brother and sister, she explores and gets into everything, she eats like a champion. She does all the things a 16 month old can and will  do. Which includes stealing our hearts.

I wrote about the need for Foster care in this country in my post called "The Littles". But this one stayed longer and captured us more completely than the other placements. People tell me when I brag about my youngest and her family being foster parents, "I couldn't let them go! I would become too attached!" I know, we get it. But we found out yesterday..sometimes you don't have to let them go, sometimes you keep them in your home and your heart forever.

So we gathered up about 20 people and along with numerous other large families all traipsed in before the judge (who commented during the proceedings to my son-in-law that he and Carrie "travel heavy" due to their support group) and witnessed this little girl become a permanent part of our crowd.

Leading up to the day and during the events a song kept running through my head. A beautiful  and personal hymn that I hope they send me into the great uncounting with, but one that with a little situational license seemed to fit so well

I have a family
They formed my heart
Before even time began
My life was in their hands

They know my name
They know my every thought
They see each tear that falls
And they hear me when I call

I have a family
They call me their own
They'll never leave me
No matter where I go

They know my name
They know my every thought
They see each tear that falls
And they hear me when I call

Adapted from He Knows My Name

She is "foster" no more. She is us and we are hers. From this day forward her life will be molded and shaped by us. We have big dreams for her and big moments to be shared. Life to be lived and experienced. 
Yes, she came to us the most unusual way, but her life will be with us, no more foster, no more adopted, no more wondering where her place is with is us. 
Godspeed little Ruby Gabriela Nimz, I can't wait to see who you become. 


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