This past weekend my bride and my youngest daughter, our son and his bride all made the journey from Dallas to Canton, so that true believers like my bride can wander around their version of Shangri-la and buy stuff. I did see one funny women's tank top, a picture of George W waving at you and the caption said, "Miss me yet?" Very funny. I'm betting he isn't missing the hide-tanning that his successor is receiving. George W is looking a little brighter every day. But I digress.
The day was overcast, with a little hint of rain, but the real weather issue was that it was COLD! I don't mean nippy, fold your hands under your coat, jokingly talk about the cold. I mean tears in your eyes, stunning, gripping, can't imagine it is this cold. I have pheasant hunted in the single digits and was much warmer than this trip. The vendors who usually camp out under the trees were simply not there. The pavilions had the vendors, but no else in there. The most common sight was the lady in the booth huddled over her little propane furnace, peeking out from her parka, and dead solid certain that you were buying something before she left her little warm spot to take your money. Needless to say the lemonade stands were not very busy.
There are certain events I will attend because I love the activity. Several years ago I would play golf in any weather. Driving rain would slow me down, but it took lightening in the area to move me off the course. Now, if it is lower than 50 degrees, I don't play. Over the past couple of summers I've about decided that anything over 95 is not a good idea either. I'm wondering how narrow the range will get before I decide that I'm not playing anymore.
Shopping, however, is not in that group of activities. I do not shop, I buy. I go into stores looking for shirts, or sweaters, or underwear and if sport coats are on sale, they might as well be high-heel shoes..I ain't buying. This aspect of my nature does not endear me to my bride, this chick loves to shop. And it doesn't matter if it is 15 degrees or 115 degrees, she shops with a determination that I find just a little frightening. We joked about me being on my deathbed on Canton weekend, my bride fidgeting and looking at her watch and trying to judge if she can get to Canton, through the Pavilions and back by the time they pull the plug. Of course we have the same joke with my dad..
"It doesn't look good, it could be a matter of moments."
"Well, we might as well take him off life support, I have Meals-on-Wheels at 11:30."
You do not want my dad making that decision.
Anyway, my son and his bride and I lasted maybe an hour, then we decided to head back to Dallas. It took the rest of the weekend for me to get warm. Later in the day my bride breezed in, flushed with shopping victory, proudly displaying her "finds" in Canton.
Now I know why the Eskimos have so little, its too cold to go outside.
Godspeed to you die-hard shoppers, us buyers are going to stay inside by the warm fire.
glad you lasted an hour....maybe you can make th trip in April. Is that better weather for you? Or will that be your time to babysit the little ones?!
I am glad that I have a built in babysitter for Canton trips.
I'm thinking you're just not that into Canton. When it's warmer, you'll find something else you don't like about it. I think you're actually trying to justify not going. ok.
I thought it was cold, too.
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