My wife and kids keep telling me I need to write a blog. Apparently they are tired of hearing my views and opinions on the state of affairs in our world. What I would like to do is make observations about the events around us; examine the beliefs that we hold to, but rarely question; share the struggle of being a man who holds words like honor, integrity, honesty, faithfulness, perseverance, and other words that our society doesn't seem to value any longer.
My approach will be from a perspective of one that has a deep love for things spiritual, but has been deeply wounded by things religious.
Just a moment about me and where the title of this blog site comes from.
I am in senior management of mid-sized apparel company. I travel a great deal and consequently get to observe and interact with people under stress; travel stress, job stress, emotional stress, spiritual stress. As I move along in this life, it occurs to me that we all travel the same journey, with the same destination, but each travel a slightly different path. My pack will have a little more dust on it than some of you, it will have a little less than others, but we can fall in step with each other for a few strides, or a few miles, or perhaps for the rest of the journey. This blog will just be the conversation that accompanies all memorable journeys.
There has been enormous loss in my life, of loved ones, of innocence in the face of illness of those who are very dear to me. There have been dark days of fear and loneliness, and bright days of joy and blessings, sometimes not separated by more than a night's sleep. There has been disappointment, discouragement, disillusionment from those who supposed to be my advocates. But no more than you, in this sense we share the journey.
So in the days to come, I hope you find solace, humor, kinship, enlightenment, but most of all I hope you find the journey worthwhile.
In the words from another age, then, Godspeed.
You are a great writer...I will be checking in.
Jason O'Quinn
Hi Don,
This is your cousin, Anne. I keep up with Jordan with her blog. I will be keeping up with you now, too.
Anne (McNeil)Reno
Hey Don! Amanda (Martin) Kilgore here. Just like the rest of the world, I too read Jordan's blog, and I was excited to see that you have your own blog now! Hooray for you: you are an excellent writer, and such ideas and observations should not go unwritten. Now I see where Jordan gets her gift of writing... You no doubt have a bucket full of knowledge and experience that can certainly help others as they journey through their own "paths" of life. I like your approach: "My approach will be from a perspective of one that has a deep love for things spiritual, but has been deeply wounded by things religious." Sounds... well... deep. Can't wait to read more.
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